Fever All Through the Night

I experienced my first chemo-related fever last night. It sucked. Having a fever is entering dangerous territory, especially when your body’s neutropenic (low white blood cell count). I have so few white cells to fight infection of any kind, that something very small can lead to something much more extreme. So almost more than anything, the paranoia of getting sick causes the fever. Up until now, I’ve been really lucky. Many things can cause infection in my system; I’ve just managed to avoid them. But last night was a painful reminder that I still need to be extremely cautious. While I may be “Chemoboy,” by day, my arch nemesis Neutropenia is always lurking in the shadows, waiting for me to get a little too careless.
Erin and I are in transition this week. The Salvatoris were so generous to host ‘camp cancer’ at their house in Bountiful for over a month. You can only imagine the kind of raucousness a group like us brings upon a house. I’m so grateful for their generosity and hospitality. They were way above and beyond the call of duty. Currently, Erin and I are searching for an apartment together. When my brother James arrives in Salt Lake this weekend, he’ll join us wherever we end up. I think having an apartment will be good because I can control my living environment a little more. Also, we’ve been looking in a part of Salt Lake that has a lot to offer to a pedestrian. Since I’m immobile most of the time, it would be nice to be able to walk myself to the movies, a coffee shop, a library, a park. Hopefully this will open up my universe a little. Incidentally, if anyone in the Salt Lake area has spare furniture they wouldn’t mind lending to the Hardy siblings for a few months, it would be greatly appreciated. We’re scrambling to find things right now.
I’m back in the chemo infusion room again today. My white blood cell counts have recovered and we’re set to be back on schedule. It was a short delay, but the gift was the opportunity to heal a little bit before going into this week. Antsy as I get, I have to keep reminding myself that I have nowhere to be, nothing to do but this. There is no ultimate ‘destination’ to get to. I’ve arrived. Get over it.
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